The First Happy Aquarium Secrets Guide I’ve Seen Like This…

I hit you up the other day about a new guide I ran into from Tony Sanders – the mega guru behind guides about FarmVille, CafĂ© World, and more. He’s been showing off his massive talents for Facebook games for months now and that means all you Happy Aquarium are in luck, because he’s brought his expertise to bear in our favorite fish raising game.

You already heard about Happy Aquarium Secrets from me last time, but let me tell you one more time why this guide is going to change how you play forever.

First off, it’s written by the best. No one on the planet has a better knowledge base with which to teach you everything you need to know about Facebook games.

Second, it’s absolutely packed with information. There are no other guides around that tell you as many things as you need to know about Happy Aquarium. This game can be grueling, especially in a long grind to Level 40+, but Tony has laid it all out in clean, simple English. Anyone can get there now – with ease.

Here are Just Some of the Things You Will Learn In Happy Aquarium Secrets Guide:
  1. Why 93% of players are using the worst methods to build their aquarium and how to avoid making the same mistakes!
  2. Essential tips to building the ultimate aquarium. Extremely effective ways for lower level players to earn money and points fast, even if you're just getting started.
  3. How I was able to get dozens of neighbors to join me in just 2 hours using these secret tactics! (this is so simple once you learn it)
  4. The secrets pros use to track their fishes. You can be guaranteed to never have to worry about your fishes ever dying again. Yes, it's possible!
  5. The story of one beta tester who achieved level 15 in 3 days using only the secret tactics found here, and how you can do the same. These tactics will make your head spin the moment you discover them!
  6. Exactly what you should grow and when to make the biggest profits (this often brings a huge profit in a short period of time)
  7. A Step-by-step guide to show you how to master every level at break neck speed
  8. How to optimize your aquarium tactics to guarantee fast growing and selling and eliminating dying of your fishes.
  9. How you can double your coins and pearls overnight and completely on autopilot. Be blown away by seeing how easy it is!
  10. How to get items that everyone wants and needs but can't easily get- but you will once you get your hands on this guide!
  11. How to maximize the money earned from growing your fishes and avoid wasting your precious time.
  12. The simple way to quickly grow your neighbors without bombarding your friends list with a million invitations - this will blow you away!
  13. and much more...

If you’re serious about being the best – and I sure as heck am – you owe it to yourself to have the plan the best players around are using.

Don’t waste another minute wondering if Happy Aquarium Secrets is right for you.

Click Here To Visit Happy Aquarium Secrets Guide Right Now

To Your Fish Raising Success!

Happy Aquarium Secrets Guide--How to Adopt a Baby Sea Turtle in Happy Aquarium

One of the things that players of Happy Aquarium want more than anything else is to adopt a baby sea turtle. These cute little creatures are not only a fun addition to the game, but the fate you end up saving them from when you adopt them is almost too cruel to repeat. But, to get your very own sea turtles, there are a few hoops you need to jump through. Here are some things to consider when you start trying to adopt a baby sea turtle and how you can speed up the process.

What Do You Need to Adopt a Baby Sea Turtle?

To adopt a baby sea turtle, you need to go out and find some neighbors. You cannot get your own sea turtle in the game. Rather, what will happen is you will get a notification that says a sushi chef has found a turtle and is about to make it into soup. You can then choose to post the notification and save the baby turtle from its fate before it gets skewered. Then, your friends can choose to adopt the turtle. The first friend to click on the newsfeed item and adopt the turtle will get the turtle in their tank.

It takes 72 hours after you get the baby sea turtle to raise them to adulthood and sell them. The total profit is a little over 100 coins and you can have more than one baby sea turtle at a time. All the more reason to have as many friends as possible.

Other Ways to Get Sea Turtles

To get the original baby sea turtle, you must click on a friend’s notification. However, you can also buy special limited edition sea turtles from the shop using your pearls. There is a pink one in there right now and there have been others in the past of different colors to enjoy. Ultimately though, the easiest way to get your sea turtle is to just have a few friends and be online for a good chunk of time each day.

The key to success in any Facebook game is to have a lot of neighbors. In Happy Aquarium,that holds doubly true. Don’t underestimate the importance of going out there and finding people who are equally as interested in this game as you are. You will gain far more benefits than just a simple baby sea turtle. However, you can’t over state just how cute and fun it is to have that sea turtle floating around in your tank.

Happy Aquarium Secrets Guide--How to Feed in Happy Aquarium

With any game that has you raising creatures – whether it is chickens in Country Story or a pet in Pet Society – you need to remember to feed your little buddies. Without food, they’ll get sick and in some games they can even die. So, learning how to feed in Happy Aquarium is a tremendously important task that cannot be overstated. You should learn how to do it on day one of playing the game. But, it’s just as easy to overfeed as to underfeed, so let’s take a look at some of the strategies you can use to make sure your fish stay fed but you don’t waste too much coin in doing it.

The Key to Feed in Happy Aquarium Successfully

To start with, you need to make sure you have enough food. The food can be bought from the store, but it can also be given and received as a free gift from fellow players. This is a great way to get food as they will send you 20 at a time and it costs them nothing. This is a primary reason why it is good to have as many friends as possible. You can load up on as much feed as you need in the game from their free gifts and never need to worry about getting to the higher levels and paying for it directly.

Additionally, you need to create a schedule that will make feeding a lot easier. Don’t just assume that it will happen on its own volition. If you forget to login and feed your fish, even if they are full grown, they can die after 6 days of starvation. So, you’ll need to develop a good strateg and timeline here to keep everything fed.

What Happens if You Don’t Feed in Happy Aquarium on Time

If you do not feed your fish on time in Happy Aquarium, you will have 3 days until your fish get sick. After they get sick, you will have three more days until they disappear completely by dying. This is a major problem for a lot of players, but if you plan it properly, you won’t have any such issues. Just be sure to login at least once every 3 days to keep everything alive. Make sure you get food to every fish in the tank though – it’s easy to miss them when there are 30+ floating around.

As you can see, feeding is a valuable tool that will help you speed up the development of your fish. The game is very forgiving to those players who forget to feed their fish, but that doesn’t mean you should take advantage of that leniency. A fish that would normally take 6 hours to develop might take as long 6 days if you forget to feed it for too long, so be sure to feed on time, regularly so you can trade your fish back in for a profit more frequently.

Happy Aquarium Secrets Guide--Mating Fish in Happy Aquarium

In a game like Happy Aquarium, you need to be aware of all the possible benefits the game has put into place. Mating fish in Happy Aquarium is one of those things that has been made available to help you save coins on buying new fish and ultimately make a larger profit on each fish sold, but only if you develop a steady process that minimizes waste and ensures the fish are fed on time each day. Here are some tips to help with mating fish in Happy Aquarium.

How to Mate Your Fish

To mate your fish in Happy Aquarium, you will need to start out getting two fish of the same species – one female and one male. Make sure they are both full grown adults and then make sure your tank is nice and clean and the hunger and cleanliness meters are full. Only then can you start sending your fish out to mate.

Click on either of the two fish and then choose to mate them. You can only mate any two fish once every day, so you won’t be able to do this again the same day if they fail. There is a 20% failure rate for the fish as well, so you may not necessarily get the fish that you thought you would when you do this.

What Mating Fish in Happy Aquarium will Do For Your Bottom Line

Despite that failure rate, mating in Happy Aquarium is still very popular because it comes out about 15% better in terms of profit potential than normal fish raising. Because it costs 60% of the total normal cost of buying a fish to mate one, the failures are offset by the profits you gain from the successes. Generally speaking, if you mate a fish rather than buying it and wait the extra 50% of the time it takes to grow the fish from an egg, you will always still benefit from the mating over the added cost it took to do it.

As you can see, there are a lot of benefits to mating your fish. They will be easier to control, you can maintain steady populations in each of your tanks, and you will spend less coins to get your new fish. However, you need to be able to balance all those benefits against the risks that are inherently related to the task. This can be hard if you don’t take some time to plan your mating strategies, so be sure to balance it all out ahead of time.